Did you know that every 68 seconds, an American is sexually assaulted?
Or did you know that:
Or were you aware that from 2009-2013, Child Protective Services agencies substantiated, or found strong evidence to indicate that, 63,000 children a year were victims of sexual abuse? (Note: A majority of child victims are 12-17. Of victims of sexual assault and rape under the age of 18: 34% are under age 12, and 66% are age 12-17.)
These statistics do not tell the whole story about sexual violence, because there are other forms of sexual violence and, unfortunately, many cases of sexual violence are unreported because victims:
“Sexual violence is sexual activity when consent is not obtained or freely given.”
Sexual violence is an all-encompassing, non-legal term that refers to rape, sex trafficking, sexual assault, sexual abuse, child sexual abuse, incest, intimate partner sexual violence, and other forms of nonconsensual or forced sexual activity. (Note: Here in the USA, the legal definition of crimes vary from state to state.)
Sexual violence is a serious problem that profoundly impacts the health and wellbeing of those who are victims. And the impacts can be lifelong, especially if left unaddressed.
Yes!!! If you need help or know someone who does, consider these resources.
Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN)
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Read the brochure Breaking the Silence: You Can Stop the Violence. This can be a healthy step to getting the help you need.
First, be alert. “… Anyone can experience or perpetrate sexual violence. The perpetrator of sexual violence is usually someone the survivor knows, such as a friend, current or former intimate partner, coworker, neighbor, or family member. …”
Second, set aside myths and other common beliefs about sexual violence that are not true. These undermine efforts to prevent sexual violence, become an obstacle to taking appropriate actions when sexual violence does occur, and ultimately make it difficult for victims of sexual violence to receive the help and justice they so deserve.
Space in this blog does not permit an exhaustive review of these myths and false beliefs. To raise awareness about the facts about sexual violence, begin by reading the brochure Breaking the Silence: You Can Stop the Violence.
In the meantime, let me just call out some of the falsehoods that are common.
These are among the myths and common beliefs that are not true, which are obstacles to dealing lovingly and justly with victims of sexual violence.
Finally, if you suspect someone you know is being abused, the Women’s Ministries Department of General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists offers this counsel on how you can help.
Be alert!!! Don’t be a passive bystander. Do what you can to help stop sexual violence.
“Breaking the Silence: You Can Stop the Violence”
CDC, Injury Center, Violence Prevention, Intimate Partner Violence
CDC, Injury Center, Violence Prevention, Sexual Violence
RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network)
Visit the TFT Online Resource Center for more information about sexual abuse and exploitation.
Copyright © 2023 Training for Transformation, Inc. All rights reserved.
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