Human sexuality is an integral part of the human experience — we are all sexual beings. Our ongoing purpose is promoting God’s design for sexuality and infusing that design when addressing current sexuality topics that are relevant today. For our 2nd Annual Conference, we will engage with you around two topics: identity and relating with LGBTQ+. Featured speakers and facilitators include Michael Carducci, Co-Founder & Senior Speaker, Coming Together Ministries; Juliet Van Heerden, Author and President, Relevant Life Solutions; Pastor Louis R. Preston, Jr. & Dr. Janice M. Preston; and others coming soon. Participants will walk away with a more complete understanding of God’s design for identity and relating with LGBTQ+. The conference is designed primarily for family and friends of LGBTQ+, and pastors, ministry leaders and professionals whose members and clients include LGBTQ+. Mark your calendar and stay tuned for additional information.