

All of our services focus on working with people who want to experience and express God’s design for sexuality, and are rooted in principles of whole person well-being and change.



Life coaching is the process of helping you find the path between where you are now and where you want to be.

We provide individual, couples (single or married), family, and group coaching.

Contact Us to schedule your appointment—teleconference, videoconference, or in–person.

Your first appointment is complimentary.


We engage with audiences regarding sexual abuse, sexual addictions, sexual integrity, and biblical principles of sexuality.


Contact Us to engage our consulting services on behalf of your group/organization. 

We can work with you for the benefit of those you serve to develop, implement, and evaluate policies/procedures, programs, and services focused on healing from sexual abuse, deliverance from sexual addictions, sexual integrity in relationships, or learning and living in harmony with God’s design for sexuality.

Or, we can tailor our services to fit your particular needs and interests. 

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